Be Trendy...

Oops you did it again!
Fashion disasters and how to avoid them
Keeping it fabulous ladies? If you’re not or being haunted by a scary past Fashion faux pas then fear no more cos this week we’re going to look at a few ways to permanently stay off the ‘Worst dressed’ list.
Suede or leather, Armani or Gucci, it’s always important to remember that it’s never ok to….
Wear your pajamas outdoors
Long for that dreamy relaxed feeling you get at the prospect of lying in bed all Sunday morning? Well no matter how wonderful it feels, trying to replicate it while wearing your Pyjama’s to do your groceries is not the right way to go.
A dear friend from abroad tells me that this shameful trend is all the rage over where she lives! Let’s not deface our great nation peeps, let’s make sure we trade our lingerie for some regular clothes before we hit the streets for our day to day.   
Have your undergarments showing
The horror of the modern world; panty lines under see through summer clothes and the inescapable CK or Jockey sticking out over some ‘cool’ guys jeans.
How do we stop this? Well simple, pull up your pants and this goes for bra’s as well. Ladies if you’ve got on something strapless/ see through there is no excuse to be wearing some bright bra underneath with the straps sticking out. It looks tacky and has got nothing high fashion about it.
Monstrosity of monstrosities, Crocs shoes and sandals burst on the fashion scene in 2002 only to make style guru’s gag. Surprisingly, a majority of the world’s population seemed to take to them like a house on fire and alas Crocs seem here to stay.
Sweaty, lumpy and absolutely hideous, this footwear will be uncomfortable and unsightly, certainly not the right shoes for you. No,no,no,no!
Wear smoky eye makeup during the day
If you’re a frequent visitor at any of the more questionable recreational establishments around town, then by all means strut around in the daytime with dark eye shadow, mascara and liner.
If you aren't then run into your bathroom and scrub your face clean cos smoky eye make up during the day will make you look like a raccoon. A very slutty raccoon at that! Stick to light, bright airy shades and you’ll glow just like the sun on a sunshiny day!
Sound simple enough? Heed my words, stick to the rules and I can guarantee a superbly fashionable week ahead for you! Ciao

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